Sunday, February 23, 2025

Video SEO – Succeed At Video Marketing

You Video SEO is important!

Video marketing is a powerful tool in the internet marketing arsenal when you use video SEO properly. Maybe you’ve tried it unsuccessfully, or maybe not at all. Either way, there are a few things you need to know to get the most benefit from your video marketing efforts.

So what is video SEO?  SEO is a common acronym for Search Engine Optimization.  The term Video SEO then of course refers to the use of certain indicators which let the search engines know exactly what your video is about.  Keeping your videos “optimized” is key. Use unique titles and descriptions each time you upload the same video to different locations. These titles and descriptions should be rich in keywords but not obnoxiously so. Also, contact information is of course crucial.

Marketing your videos is equally important as producing them and as much time should be spent getting the word out about your video as you spent making it. A video is only as good as peoples response to it. If they don’t know about it and never see it, it was effort wasted. Each and every time you create a new video, you should immediately scream about it from every social avenue and blogging site you have available to you. Keep a list. Automate this process if possible via apps like IFTTT. This nifty little helper enables a single publication to spread to multiple sources automatically.

Don’t forget YouTube. Seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people just post videos to their personal blogs without taking the time to start a YouTube channel and begin generating a following there. YouTube is the 3rd most visited site in existence and it is highly rated in the search engines. YouTube is a MUST for any video en devour.

I cant think of a single product that would not benefit in some way from video marketing. The popularity of sites like YouTube is growing exponentially as people realize they can see a product in action before they buy it. Especially in the new age of internet purchasing, seeing someone interact with the exact product they plan to order often seals the deal for apprehensive buyers. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth millions. Don’t worry about models or production quality if that is what is holding you back. If necessary pretend you’re a third party and review your own product. Just getting a video out there that lets people see your product in action will do wonders.

Consider including opt-in forms where ever you put your videos. This brings me back to my lead generation roots. Your lead list is important and any time you can work it into your marketing efforts, you should consider doing so. Someone who is already considering buying your product, will most likely enjoy any video showing that product in action. Sounds like the perfect time to ask them if they’d like to see more in the future.

Video SEOAnother reason video seo marketing is so important is for the attention it can get your other social media outlets. Being visible online these days is about the interconnected network you formulate for yourself and your business. Your videos on YouTube or anywhere they are posted should reference other social media outlets you utilize. In return other social media outlets should reference and more importantly link to your videos. This creates popularity for your various publications which in turn leads to their presence being noticed more readily. This is hugely important for getting your message out of the internet abyss and on potential buyers computer screens.

I’ve said it briefly already, but its worth going over again. A video representation of your product or service is absolutely essential! You need to let customers see your product in a video right now, literally. Even if you have to use your phone to make it. Create a few video hosting accounts. Use your own name or don’t. Make a video that reviews your product. Show it in action while talking about various aspects of it. Even a video that makes a poor review of a product is infinitely better than no video at all. Of course a better video should be made when you have the means, but I wouldn’t wait til then to get a video representation out there if you haven’t yet.

Well, that’s my two cents on video marketing. I hope my belief in its importance to your over all success was clear. There is not a person capable of finding this article that isn’t capable of making a video for their product in some capacity. My final advice is…GO…DO…IT…NOW! Good luck.

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