Sunday, February 23, 2025

Video SEO – Succeed At Video Marketing

You Video SEO is important!

Video marketing is a powerful tool in the internet marketing arsenal when you use video SEO properly. Maybe you’ve tried it unsuccessfully, or maybe not at all. Either way, there are a few things you need to know to get the most benefit from your video marketing efforts.

So what is video SEO?  SEO is a common acronym for Search Engine Optimization.  The term Video SEO then of course refers to the use of certain indicators which let the search engines know exactly what your video is about.  Keeping your videos “optimized” is key. Use unique titles and descriptions each time you upload the same video to different locations. These titles and descriptions should be rich in keywords but not obnoxiously so. Also, contact information is of course crucial.

Marketing your videos is equally important as producing them and as much time should be spent getting the word out about your video as you spent making it. A video is only as good as peoples response to it. If they don’t know about it and never see it, it was effort wasted. Each and every time you create a new video, you should immediately scream about it from every social avenue and blogging site you have available to you. Keep a list. Automate this process if possible via apps like IFTTT. This nifty little helper enables a single publication to spread to multiple sources automatically.

Don’t forget YouTube. Seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people just post videos to their personal blogs without taking the time to start a YouTube channel and begin generating a following there. YouTube is the 3rd most visited site in existence and it is highly rated in the search engines. YouTube is a MUST for any video en devour.

I cant think of a single product that would not benefit in some way from video marketing. The popularity of sites like YouTube is growing exponentially as people realize they can see a product in action before they buy it. Especially in the new age of internet purchasing, seeing someone interact with the exact product they plan to order often seals the deal for apprehensive buyers. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth millions. Don’t worry about models or production quality if that is what is holding you back. If necessary pretend you’re a third party and review your own product. Just getting a video out there that lets people see your product in action will do wonders.

Consider including opt-in forms where ever you put your videos. This brings me back to my lead generation roots. Your lead list is important and any time you can work it into your marketing efforts, you should consider doing so. Someone who is already considering buying your product, will most likely enjoy any video showing that product in action. Sounds like the perfect time to ask them if they’d like to see more in the future.

Video SEOAnother reason video seo marketing is so important is for the attention it can get your other social media outlets. Being visible online these days is about the interconnected network you formulate for yourself and your business. Your videos on YouTube or anywhere they are posted should reference other social media outlets you utilize. In return other social media outlets should reference and more importantly link to your videos. This creates popularity for your various publications which in turn leads to their presence being noticed more readily. This is hugely important for getting your message out of the internet abyss and on potential buyers computer screens.

I’ve said it briefly already, but its worth going over again. A video representation of your product or service is absolutely essential! You need to let customers see your product in a video right now, literally. Even if you have to use your phone to make it. Create a few video hosting accounts. Use your own name or don’t. Make a video that reviews your product. Show it in action while talking about various aspects of it. Even a video that makes a poor review of a product is infinitely better than no video at all. Of course a better video should be made when you have the means, but I wouldn’t wait til then to get a video representation out there if you haven’t yet.

Well, that’s my two cents on video marketing. I hope my belief in its importance to your over all success was clear. There is not a person capable of finding this article that isn’t capable of making a video for their product in some capacity. My final advice is…GO…DO…IT…NOW! Good luck.

Social Media Marketing and the SEO Blog

Search Engine Optimized Blog (SEO Blog)

There’s never been a better time for online marketing. These days, social media is overwhelmingly popular.  There’s a virtually infinite number of consumer eyeballs available. They are eagerly watching screens of all sizes.  They are just waiting to see your product marketing and SEO blog efforts. The internet of today is global. It now spans all ages and demographics. The days when online advertising was only seen by geeks and gamers are over.  Now, even my grandparents have a Facebook page.

So, what does that mean for you? Well, here’s another amazing development about the miracle of social media and the internet. This advertising is targeted! That’s right campers, these eyeball want what you are selling. Unlike TV, radio, or newspaper advertising, which simply sticks your add in front of an entire viewer base.  Old school media didn’t qualify customers interest in any way.

Internet advertising is focused. Your online marketing is put on the screens of people who have searched for something you are offering. Facebook shows your adds to people according to websites they have visited.  These sites indicate they might be in the market for your specific product. There are millions of constantly improving ways that ads are purposefully delivered.  This makes internet marketing far more effective than old school media marketing.

Paid advertising on social media is not the only way to benefit from this new marketing modality. Its not even really the best way. Using social media channels to discuss and promote your products is an enormously powerful attention getting tool. Most people use social media in some fashion or flavor. When you make a blog post or a video about your product or service, make it ridiculously easy for your viewers to share your message. Social sharing is now an integral part of creating an SEO Blog.  There are various apps and plugins that make sharing your post on most mainstream social media outlets as easy as clicking a button. Use them!

Conversations about your product or service, good or bad, get attention. I don’t fully agree with the statement that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.  In this case, it is largely true. Most search engine and advertising algorithms sniff out “mentions” or occurrences of a product or keyword. They see these mentions as an indication of that item or keyword’s popularity. It doesn’t even matter if the product is being mentioned in a negative or a positive light.

SEO BlogHaving multiple social media channels representing your product is a must! When you post an article to your SEO blog reference it everywhere.  Discuss it briefly in EVERY single social media outlet you can find. These various mentions will instigate conversations about that product. These conversations, links, clicks, and shares will all begin to form an intricate web.  This will strengthen your product brand awareness.  It will also drive traffic to your content.

These conversations are your goal. You should take the time to respond to and nurture them. Your responses should come quickly.  They should try to encourage further activity. Remember activity is key. The more activity a post has the more important the internet believes the post and its topic to be.

Social media is the best and most effective method of marketing available today. Its unparalleled in its focus. It is now the most widely consumed media available. Ultimately, I believe it can create success for any company if used correctly. You are probably using social media in your personal lives already. My advice is spend as much time professionally in social media as you do personally.  You will most likely succeed beyond your expectations.

SEO Tips – Search Engine Optimization by the Experts

SEO Tips for the internet challenged…

These days traffic is the key to survival in the online business world.  The most effective way to generate the kind of targeted traffic needed for online success is through some specific SEO Tips.  Most search engine users don’t give a second thought to the results that appear on their screen when they type in a search.  The manner in which these sites are chosen to display is probably one of the most important aspects of online marketing and could make or break your business.

So how do search engines choose which sites to match with which searches?  And more importantly what can you do to be one of the lucky sites to rank highly for a highly popular search term?  This article is going to help you understand just what the search engines are looking for and offer the SEO tips that will make you successful.

First of all, search engines are machines, not people.  These machines are not yet capable of positively identifying the exact contents of movies or images.  Sites with loads of flash content and very little descriptive text that can be understood and indexed by the engines will not rank well.  Flash content and videos have their place in a quality website, but remember that they do not tell the search engines what the subject matter of your site is or which terms to rank your site for.

SEO Tips to improve blog visibility

Keywords, keywords, keywords.  As important as location is for a physical business location, keywords are the backbone of your search engine traffic.  You should ask yourself what someone who is looking for what you are offering might search for online.  What exact term might they type?   Google has a keyword search tool that is in my opinion, absolutely necessary for creating a successful website.  Take the terms you have come up with and type them into googles keyword search tool.  This will give you a list of all the related keywords that people type into google.  It will also give you the number of monthly searches done for that exact keyword as well as the amount of competition you will have if you also try to rank your site for that keyword.  The idea here is to pick highly relevant, very popular key search terms with low or medium competition.  Say, one of the ideal keywords you find for your site is “bright green widgets.”  This term is searched for 10,000 times every month and there is low competition for it.  If you can manage to rank first for this keyword, you can count on half of the people that search for that keyword to visit your site.  That’s 5,000 people every month!  And that’s for a single search term.  If you reach page 1 of google’s results which would mean you are 1 of the top 10 results, then you share the other 5000 potential customers with the others on the page.  This still means hundreds of visitors each month for following just a few SEO tips.

SEO TipsKeywords are so important to ranking with the search engines that you should consider purchasing a url that has your most important keyword within it.  You should also use your keyword phrase multiple times on any page you are trying to rank.  There are other tricks such as bolding or underlining the term to indicate to the search engines that this term is an important part of your site content.  Add alt tags with your keywords to any images you might include in a post or page.  Yoast makes a nice plug in that will monitor the quality of your SEO efforts for each page and post in your site.  It will give you a score according to how well you follow their checklist for keyword optimization.  Highly useful and a must have for someone unfamiliar with the SEO process.

Include a site map and submit this site map to google!  Another crucial part of your development process.  Sign up for google webmaster tools.  You will receive a code that you must implement into your site.  There are plugins that make this a simple task.  Once again, Yoast does this for you and automatically creates a sitemap as well.  There are other plugins but I keep mentioning Yoast because it is free and easy to use.  Once you have a sitemap, which is essentially a road map of your website, you need to submit it to your webmaster tools account.  This tells google you are ready for traffic and gives them an easy to follow map of the sites they should index in order to start including you in their search results.

Now, the days of just cramming an obscene amount of keywords into a website with no form or informational value and ranking high in search results is over.  Another characteristic of your site that search engines will pay attention to is something called bounce rate.  Your sites bounce rate is a measurement of how long customers spend on your site when they visit.  Google notices if their users visit your site after searching “bright green widgets,” but never make it past the first page or spend very little time on your site at all.  If a large percentage of people quickly leave your site, google will assume they are not finding what they are looking for and will give you a high bounce rate.  This is why your actual content is very important.  Enticing customers with the right keywords is only half the battle.  You must then give them what you promised in the form of quality content.

SEO should be almost as important to your business website as the content itself.  The best content in the world is useless if no one ever finds it.  Follow these fundamental rules to gain the attention of search engines, and the free traffic you will generate will benefit your site more than any paid advertising.  If your business can benefit at all from an online presence, it will unquestionably benefit from SEO.

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